Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Sick days

Our house has been on the defensive against a nasty bug for the last few weeks. It didn't strike us all at once, but has made a slow progress from one person to another. Mostly it hasn't been too bad. It seems to be flu like, but we have mostly not had the typical really disgusting parts of having the flu (you know, big bowls in every room for 'just in case you don't make it yuckiness).
So today, my only goal was to get out of the house and do something. That is it, just get out. Well, needless to say it is noon, and the prospects are not looking good.
On the homeschooling front we are doing Canadian history and reading some amazing books together. Right now we are reading a book called "Jeremy's war 1812". It is a true story about a boys life as batboy for General Isaac Brook ( a batboy was the go to person). We try to read a chapter a day, but today they begged me to read 'Just one more mom ppplleeeaasseee!!!'. So, it was a the perfect thing to do with half of us being sick. We all crawled under my duvet (it is the only blanket the kids want when they are sick) on the couch and read together for 2 hours. I couldn't believe it. Sometimes they colored while they listened, but mostly we just snuggled together and went on a adventure of how the French, British and Americans fought for Upper Canada. It turned out to be a great morning.

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