Thursday, March 19, 2009

I declare it to be spring

Now I fully realize it is totally and completely outside of my powers to declare such a thing, but I did something today that decided that in this house, we will now act as if it is spring.

We set up our trampoline!

We did it all on our own without my hubby's big muscles to help. It was a challenge, and there were a few injuries along the way, but we were a determined bunch. Me and my 6 helpers.
With 'Go mommy go' chanting, I had to come through. The thought of waiting for Daddy to get home seemed impossible.
The ground may still be squishy and a bit muddy, but when you can go outside without a jacket, and some with shorts, you just gotta get that trampoline up. (It was only +10, but one little boy of mine was really determined to show me just how warm it was)

Besides, as a homeschooling mother, buy this time of year, I am getting a little desperate for activities that happen outside! They need to be outside. Trust me, it is better for everyone that spring is finally, almost, kinda here.

Let's just hope we don't get another freak snow storm again this weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Ah, the trampoline time. Congrats and doing it yourself, Cuz! You're amazing.
