Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Making a list, checking it twice

Last night I sat up making a list of what we want to sell, which is just about everything. It felt really good to get it on paper. Funny how just making a list can make an insurmountable task.Magical really how ink marks on squashed wood chips can put things in perspective. The kids were all right beside me making a list of their own, and Ethan was trying to figure out how much we could get for our library books!

There really are only a few things that I will find difficult to sell. One major is a beautiful wooden platform bed frame my hubby made me. It is solid wood with a dark espresso colored stain. I love love love my bed frame. He amazes me at his ability to turn scrap wood into beautiful projects. This is the kind of thing I imagine passing down to my children, but at this point it seems too much to try and store somewhere. Especially if one was to think of paying for storage. He tried to comfort me and tell me how easy it would be to make another one, 'but this one is special' I told him. He also made Nefeshya a similar one. So, I have been telling myself that there is a season for everything. There are some items from my mom that I need to find safe keeping for, and pictures and such, but other than that it was quite fun to think of finally getting rid of this all.

Except for one thing.

My books!!!

I love my book collection. Well, it isn't really my books, as they are not books for me per say, but books for my kids and schooling. Growing up, my mom loved historical fiction books. And she passed that love on to us girls. I kinda forgot about it for a few years, but since homeschooling, this appreciation and love for books has resurfaced in me. As I gaze at my book shelf, I have hard time imagining shifting thru them. A lot will be easy to get rid of as my kids are passed certain stages. But, there are a lot that Nefeshya used, Sammy is just using, and Ethan has yet to use. I have collected books for a few years now. Hubby is already slowly working on making me realize I will not be able to take them all. We will see! At least we are going to a warm climate, so our clothes will take up less space than last time. When we went to Shanghai I had not counted on how cold it was going to be, and didn't pack enough warm clothes. It is fun packing this time because I have such a great sense of what thing I should have packed that I didn't, and things I should have left at home. It will make this transition so much easier!

Other than my books of course!


  1. I don't know what I'd do about the books. They are my friends. All of them. And the world just seems right when there are books around me. I'll for sure be praying for you in this regard.

  2. The books are a hard one. Sure was for us. Still miss some of my books from back home. Amazing how you acquire them one you arrive though. We already have a couple of shelves full as do the kids!


  3. Hey - keep meaning to tell you a light winter coat is very useful and you'll definitely need sweaters because you'll be right by the ocean. The first year I scoffed - this year I'm acclimatised and much colder and Cheng Chau can be chilly. So don't throw out our favourite cosy sweaters!

