Monday, October 5, 2009

The inbetween places

This week marked the one month stage of our life here on Cheung Chau. I feels like a bit of a 'no mans land' we are in. We still await word on our visa. We have been unable to really connect with very many people yet (yes I know it is only a month......). We have not begun to walk out, and hardly even step into the things that ignite us for being here. Today in the midst of a bout of kids-not -wanting-to do-school-work-and -being-distracted-by-every-little-thing-moment (that included more than a little frustration from mom and dad), Ethan walked up to me and whispered "Mom, my heart feels so much better when I look at the school rock."

we can make out this large white rock on Lantua Island from our window

When he said that I held my breath for just a moment. I remembered the why of it all. I remembered that we are in-between.

For a long time now hubby and I have thought and discussed how we don't really read much about the in-between times of people's lives. We read about the grand vision and then we read about how the vision came about. But not many pages are filled with the spaces and places that filled those grand times. I do feel the importance of this time for our family, but that doesn't always make it easy. My hearts cry is that my life would be poured out for HIM. He is my all, my beginning and my end.

But then I think of how often, even on this blog, I have written about wishing to know how it was all going to work out. Most of the time I would have to say. I have a personality that longs to understand and know how it will all work out.

So then I am reminded again of the lesson of learning to trust. Learning to trust anew. Trusting in the in-between non grandish times of my life. Working out my salvation. Working out my trust in my FATHER. Knowing that he always has his best for me, and that right now, right here, this is his best for me.

1 comment:

  1. Cris, this was an encouragement to me . . . being in the in-between place. It's a good time to stand on God's faithfulness, knowing He WILL do what He has promised!
