Friday, June 26, 2009

Summer and Star Wars

Our house has become a Star Wars land. We have the Star Wars Lego game, and now we have been watching the movies with the kids. Queen Amidila and all her crazy outfits add just enough 'girlishness' to it that it has almost become a family affair. Of course the boys are all over it, and everything is 'Master this' and 'Master that', that is until I ask them to clean their room, hahahaha.

Our last weeks have been filled with year end activities, parties, family camp, and keeping the house clean for potential buyers to walk through. Everything has been a lot of fun, other than the keeping the house clean part. My mother tried, she really did, and I can keep a clean house, I just really really really do not enjoy what it takes to keep it that way. But our friend/landlord has been amazingly blessed and in one week he has gotten multiple offers on the duplex. That is simply amazing, especially given what the local real estate market has been. So, we will see how the timing of everything works out. We have found out that the new landlords have to give us 2 months notice before any changes happen, so at least we will have a buffer time. More trusting, and the smell of more flesh being burnt.

The kids are in the 'land of many sleep overs'. It is so much fun! The foamy has become a permanent structure on the floor downstairs littered with sleeping bags and pillows. Their little bodies are growing darker with many hours spent outside and I am in a constant battle with the sand that somehow feels it needs to follow us home. We are eating many PB sandwiches and salads. The days are perfect.

Here are a few photo's from the last weeks, enjoy.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

the plan

Our last few weeks have been eventful and yet so uneventful at the same time. Nothing has changed, we have no date, no news on our visa and therefore no flights. As I said before, everything is 'perfectly out of our hands'. The recession has shown its head in our house as hubby has had a shortage of work for the last few weeks. We are thank-ful that he does still have a job, and we know his boss does everything possible to find work for his guys. It is a tough time for a lot of people.

Then our van decided to give us a few problems last week. Hubby and myself were finding it extremely difficult not to get really mad, and mad at the fact that now we would have to fix a van that we just want to get rid of to move across the ocean. Plus we were having an early birthday party for my daughter the next day and needed to drive a bunch of girls around. So as we sat there, stewing in our frustration, my 8 yr old son walks into the room and oh so casually says 'well, God knew this was going to happen, so he must have a plan'............well, really what does one say after that. Not a lot. Such incredibly simple wisdom.

well, there was a plan, and it all worked out quite quickly and easily.

what a blessing.

Better than that was the peace that I had. I realized the offense that I had started to build within myself because of the waiting time we were in. I had started to loose sight of resting in the knowing that he holds the plan perfectly in his hands.

Since then the duplex we live in has gone up for sale, and there still isn't a lot of work, but I am fine. I am resting in knowing that he knows his plan, even if I don't.

And then just to top it all off, because we have not left yet we are getting to see friends who have come for a visit from other parts of the world.

Life is good, don't you think!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Is it holiday season.........officially

Well, seeing as how it is past noon, the kids are downstairs watching mindless braincell killing cartoons, and I am up here blogging, I guess it is summer holiday's.

Summer holiday's is a strange thing for me as a homeschooler. Honestly, once the weather turns nice, we go as minimal as possible, until we just can't do no more.......because we want to go to the beach, or draw instead of math, or just lay around in our pj's. I always dream of being on of those who school year round. Just taking time of here and there during the year when it suits, but when summer comes around I totally loose my motivation. yep, its true.

So, I think today we will continue doing exactly what we are doing, nothing.

I even have supper cooking in the crock pot!

As my mom used to say "shhh, quiet. Can you hear that, my bed is calling me". Time for a nap.

Monday, June 8, 2009


Yesterday I saw this video and had to share. Corny and inspirational all at the same time. Just my style. Be inspired today!

(it is a bit long, but worth it)

Friday, June 5, 2009

Random thoughts during the wiating

Been a while again. Seems the cold traded in for summer, and we got blasted with a heat wave here last week. It really isn't that hot, but it is just that a few short weeks ago I had hardly thought of bringing out my summer clothes, and then suddenly it was a mad dash to find the shorts and tank tops. I have found it hard to be very motivated because of it, but the up side is it means lot of fun outside, and many trips to the beach. It is such an amazing blessing to live at the lake.

A few years ago we returned to the prairies, and although I loved being back, I will always be a mix of mountain BC girl/prairie girl. I see and love the beauty in both.


Really, nothing very new here. Still packing and cleaning and packing and cleaning and.......well you guessed it, packing and cleaning. I try to stop, but I seem incapable of it. Yet I am so tired of being in a half state of packing, but not being able to just go all the way. Yet, past the point of having a clean organized house anymore. Soon Soon I know. I won't bore you anymore with my whining.

Hubby was home most of last week with some back issues. Having him home is great, but it seems to throw the whole schedule out. I was also angry at myself that I was kinda grumpy a lot and so wasn't able to enjoy him being around as much as I could have. Stupid how being grumpy just ruins everything!

Well, as you can see, this post is really not going anywhere, yet I felt the need to come and write, so here I am.

I miss painting. I think perhaps I need to go a canvas and release some of this.

My children are delightful. My girl is definitely hitting preteen stuff. I love it. She isn't so sure! Today she had a very hard day, and had a bit of a melt down as she was getting ready for bed. The boys made her a special picture and told her how much the loved her, and then they decided to all have sleep together. It amazes to see how sibling can drive each other crazy, yet they have a magic to reach out and protect each other as well. Beautiful to watch.

good night friends. May the breathe of peace be on you tonight!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Quote of the Day

"Mom, did God make me to like Romantic?"