Wednesday, November 4, 2009

2 months and counting

Now, it is two months.
Things that were once new and exciting or frustraring are becoming every day. Everyday in a wonderful way.

I don't stand in the grocery store completely dumbfounded as to how to cook a meal. I know how to take the MTR without a vague sense of panic that perhaps I am going in the completely wrong direction. I have 'my' produce vendor they know me/I know them and it is comforting. These are all unto a sense of settling in and that is good.

But, the reality. I knew what we were giving up. We made the choice to follow the voice that calls. I don't miss our van, or our house, or even Great Canadian Superstore and all its millions of choices of cereals. I miss my friends and relationships. I miss seeing smiling face or talking on the phone and not feeling the need to explain who I am or why I am. There is great comfort in that sense of belonging. And I miss that. I do!

I see the beginnings of a relationship like that. It is precious to me. I am thank-ful.

But I still miss those faces that flash before me. To be held dear in a glance. To be understood. To be counted as precious.

I am not sad or dissapointed, just sharing my heart in transition tonight.

May you blessed today with community who love and support you!


  1. Oh, I know this feeling so much. I counted the cost, too, but then wow. I'm glad that you are feeling the beginnings of those relationships, but that big wide gap at first is crazy. Love you!

  2. It is hard like Rae said to be separated from all you know. It shows though that your priorities are right, that you miss the relationships and not the things. Relationships will develop there though and there will be good friends. I know that our mutual friends the B's found that out.
