Okay, so it has not been all that lonely at all, but as soon as I thought of starting this post that song started to play in my head.
I come by it honestly, this habit I have of having a song for everything. My mom ALWAYS had a song for everything. I mean, every moment, every situation, every event, every frustrating moment, and every funny moment, she was SURE to have a song to sing about it. As kids we loved it, as teens we pretended to be embarrassed and hate it, now it is one of our favorite memories of her.
Anyways, it may not have been lonely, but it certainly has been a long time.
The reality is, I just didn't feel like posting. I realize this is bad for business, or viewership. But that is my honest moment. I just had no desire to be here telling you about me.
Then a few days ago, I suddenly thought, hey, I should post something again. That could be fun.
So, here I am.
Summer is slowly fading. It is actually a truly wonderful time in Hong Kong right now. Should you ever decide to visit this part of this world, this is the perfect time to come. The humidity is down just slightly, the days are still warm, but the evenings are beginning to cool off. I am loving it. We are pulling out our winter wear and hanging it outside in the sunlight to get rid of that 'slightly moldy' smell.
We are also preparing for a visit to Canada in just over a weeks time. We are excited about this. We are talking through the myriad of emotions we are sure to go through. All the glorious hello's, and all the tearful good-byes. So important and good, but hard.
Anyways, I think I will stop there for now.
It feels good to be back.